Pest Control Company : Commercial Services

Pest Control Company : Commercial Services

Long-term experience in family-owned commercial pest control service

Commercial facilities are susceptible to an occasional pest invasion. In the absence of commercial pest control service, it can escalate into an uncontrollable infestation. We highly recommend a proactive plan with our commercial pest control service to minimize opportunities for an infestation.

These are some reasons to choose us for commercial pest control:

Reduced risk of damaged reputation
Avoidance of significant monetary loss to your business
Regular monitoring and inspections by experienced technicians
Exclusion methods plan as part of our commercial pest control service

THE BEST WAYS TO GET RID OF COCKROACHES. When considering what cockroach control method to use, it is best to first examine your home or business for possible roach infestation sites. Do this by using a flashlight to search popular roach hiding spots, including behind the refrigerator, under the sink, crevices in cabinets and shelves, closet door corners, bathroom cabinets, and storage rooms.

Not sure how to get rid of cockroaches? You’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world.pest control

On average, roaches can range anywhere from one-half to 3 inches long. The three most common cockroaches in the United States are the German, Oriental and American roach. Different roaches can be attracted to your home for different reasons. Knowing the type of roach you are dealing with can help when deciding how to get rid of them. For instance, the most common roach found indoors is the German roach. The German roach is attracted to water. Reducing access to water sources in your home can help reduce a roach infestation.

There are plenty of other prevention methods as well, such as daily cleaning and proper food storage, to prevent a pest infestation. But how do you get rid of cockroaches once they have already entered your home?

Roaches enter homes in search of food, water, and shelter. Once they have infested an area, they can multiply quickly, posing a threat to your comfort and health. It is important to get rid of cockroaches before an infestation occurs. Roaches are known to carry bacteria that can result in food poisoning, diarrhea, allergies, and skin rashes. In large numbers, they can also produce a foul odor.

Before deciding how to kill roaches in your home, it is best to develop a plan. The most effective roach control typically requires more than one type of treatment method.

When considering what cockroach control method to use, it is best to first examine your home for possible roach infestation sites. Do this by using a flashlight to search popular roach hiding spots, including behind the refrigerator, under the sink, crevices in cabinets and shelves, closet door corners, bathroom cabinets, and closets.

Use roach glue strips to locate large infestations. Based on your flashlight inspection, decide on the most strategic areas to place strips. Monitor those areas for a few days to a week. Strips in high-traffic areas will catch the most roaches, and these areas will need the most treatment.


Traps can be effective in reducing existing roach populations, but they won’t get rid of roaches on the outside trying to break in. To prevent a roach infestation from expanding, use caulk to fill possible entry points, including gaps between walls or tile, small crevices, and entry holes. It will also help to use weather stripping on doors and window seals.


Gel bait can be an effective roach killer. Gel bait usually comes in the form of a tube and can be applied under baseboards, in cracks and crevices, and near areas that are most likely to attract roaches. While gel bait can be effective in getting rid of roaches, it can also result in a number of dead roaches lying around your home.

Another popular method when deciding how to kill cockroaches is the use of bait stations. Bait stations work by attracting roaches into stations to feed on poison. The poisoned roach then travels back to its home location, dies, and is eaten by the other roaches, further passing on the poison. Bait stations work partially to get rid of roaches, but do not target all roaches in a home. They also pose an issue because they contain poison and look unappealing when scattered around your home. Some roach hotels only contain glue to trap the roaches, not bait and poison them.

Boric acid, a substance found in products like clothing detergent and toothpaste, can be one of the best roach killers. Unfortunately, it is also easily misapplied and subject to displacement by air currents, sending the material into areas where children and pets can come into contact with it. Made by chemically combining boron and water, boric acid is low in toxicity to people and pets but deadly to cockroaches. When used incorrectly, boric acid will lose effectiveness and is not typically recommended as the sole method for getting rid of cockroaches.


Hiring a pest specialist to treat a roach infestation can increase safety, offer a more effective approach to getting rid of cockroaches and provide an ongoing solution to cockroach control. It also eliminates the need to have traps scattered around your home.

Termite Control and Treatment

Just like many other insects, the termite is reproduced through the laying and hatching of eggs. Unlike the typical male/female dynamic that we, as humans, know, the queen of the termite colony can become impregnated with eggs from multiple colony members just so that the society is kept going. In other words, termites aren’t monogamous.
termite treatment
At maturity, a queen termite can lay several thousands of eggs each and every day. In some species of termites, the queen will actually be able to add an extra set of ovaries that will produce even more eggs resulting in an enlarged abdomen along with increased fecundity which is the ability to make more eggs and produce more offspring. Just as with humans, queen termites will increase in size to almost one hundred times of her regular size. During the time of pregnancy when the female termite is full of eggs, she is effectively immobilized – as is to be expected.

What is slightly humorous about the pregnant queen termite is that while she is immobilized, she has to utilize the “manpower” of the worker termites to move her. In fact, if she wishes to move from one place to another, it can take hundreds of worker termites just to move her a few inches. The good news for those worker termites is that their reward is a juice that is secreted from the queen’s posterior. That’s right, they are rewarded with a juice that the queen termite gives them to drink which revitalizes them and gives them something to look forward to.

When termite eggs first hatch, they take the form of nymphs, which eventually turn into different members of the termite colony. The largest part of the termite colony is made up of worker termites. The wingless worker termites are blind and most likely to be found in termite-infested wood. Soldier termites are sterile, wingless, blind termites whose sole purpose is to defend the termite colony.

Termite colonies also contain winged reproductives and supplementary reproductives all of which produce termite eggs. Winged reproductives use their swarm intelligence to swarm to a new location during swarm season, where they shed their wings and pair up to start a new termite colony. Supplementary reproductives serve as replacements for the termite king or termite queen should one of them die.

Unfortunately, termite eggs are produced at an alarming rate and one or two termites can reproduce into hundreds and hundreds within a few days of time. At that point, those termite eggs start to grow and then begin their destruction on your structures and/or crops.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorneys

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The city is full of those who choose motorcycles as their main mode of transportation. The beautiful southern weather makes motorcycles perfect to use. Motorcyclists can easily get through traffic and have a low fuel bill to deal with. They are also great fun for those who love to take ride just for the fun of it. The unfortunate aspect that has become evident as the use of motorcycles increases is that there has also been an increase in the number of motorcycle accidents in the area. The rider is virtually unprotected, other than with a helmet and possibly some leather clothing, and when a motorcycle comes into contact with a car, the injuries are frequently life threatening. If you or a loved one has been injured in such an accident, it is critical that you contact a motorcycle accident lawyer at once.

Motorcycle accident attorneys

motorbike accident on the city street

Injured in a motorcycle accident?

The injuries that are suffered by the victims of these accidents are extremely serious, and sadly, often fatal. In cases in which the injured survive, they may have months, years or even a lifetime of needed medical care and treatment, such as in cases in which a spinal cord injury resulted in paralysis. In other cases, serious fractures to the arms, legs, elbows, knees and shoulders are the result. Serious head and brain injuries are not uncommon, and such injuries have varying degrees of recovery, depending upon the severity. Our legal team takes these accidents very seriously and is dedicated to assisting the injured and their families recover the compensation that is commensurate with the degree of injury and other damages.

With years of experience behind them, the legal team approaches each case with a full dedication to pursuing what is right for the client. There are many types of damages that victims suffer in these accidents, and each case must be fully evaluated in order to determine how to move forward with the claim. It is critical that you have legal representation from the firm in such a case, as many individuals have proceeded without an attorney and have received far less in a settlement than they would have had they been supported by an aggressive lawyer from the firm.

Contact a motorcycle accident attorney in our firm today.